Issue Issue 759 - Grazia (2025)

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Issue Issue 759 - Grazia (1)

Grazia combines 'A-list' celebrity exclusives with thought-provoking, real-life features and agenda-setting fashion. Each week we bring you: - 'A-lister' celebrity news and gossip - The very latest in fashion news and trends - What's hot NOW - Amazing real-life stories - Reports from all the key fashion shows are the world Love fashion and celebrities? Then you'll love Grazia.

in this issue
IN THIS ISSUEWELCOME TO THE ISSUESELFIES, SQUADS, spiralisers… the last 10 years have been filled with fads. But there’s also been one resounding positive: a rise of women using their voice. This week’s issue pays tribute to some of them; from Phoebe Waller-Bridge (p12) to Lizzo (p64) and, significantly, all of you. On p46, Janice Turner writes that what will define this decade is that we’ve felt empowered to stand up for what we believe in. And thank you for signing our petition to end the use of the ‘rough sex’ defence. If you haven’t yet, read the piece by Grace Millane’s friends (p22) to find out how you can help. For now, have a restful Christmas break and see you on the 31 December!@hattie_brett /…1 min
AND THE RESTOVER TO YOU...Have your say… Email us at Post comments on Tweet us at @GraziaUK Find us on Facebook at Grazia UK Follow us on Instagram @GraziaUKVOTES FOR VERNON!Polly Vernon should be standing for Parliament so that she becomes the Minister for the Enjoyment of Sex for Women (10 Dec). I have always loved sex and if we could bottle the way you feel and put that beside EHC in Boots, the world would be a kinder place. Sadly, my sex life is pretty dire these days, but I will always remember my delicious snog in the cloakroom at a Christmas night out a few years back with Santa Claus! GCSPREAD THE VIEWSEnjoyed your interviews this week and the fact you feature politics (The Leaders: We ask the Questions!, 10…2 min
IN THIS ISSUEWELCOME TO THE ISSUESELFIES, SQUADS, spiralisers… the last 10 years have been filled with fads. But there’s also been one resounding positive: a rise of women using their voice. This week’s issue pays tribute to some of them; from Phoebe Waller-Bridge (p12) to Lizzo (p64) and, significantly, all of you. On p46, Janice Turner writes that what will define this decade is that we’ve felt empowered to stand up for what we believe in. And thank you for signing our petition to end the use of the ‘rough sex’ defence. If you haven’t yet, read the piece by Grace Millane’s friends (p22) to find out how you can help. For now, have a restful Christmas break and see you on the 31 December! @hattie_brett /…1 min
AND THE RESTOVER TO YOU...Have your say… Email us at ■ Post comments on ■ Tweet us at @GraziaUK ■ Find us on Facebook at Grazia UK ■ Follow us on Instagram @GraziaUK VOTES FOR VERNON! Polly Vernon should be standing for Parliament so that she becomes the Minister for the Enjoyment of Sex for Women (10 Dec). I have always loved sex and if we could bottle the way you feel and put that beside EHC in Boots, the world would be a kinder place. Sadly, my sex life is pretty dire these days, but I will always remember my delicious snog in the cloakroom at a Christmas night out a few years back with Santa Claus! GC SPREAD THE VIEWS Enjoyed your interviews this week and the fact you feature…2 min
AND THE RESTLetter of the weekOPTING OUT, STAYING INIf you’re a competitive person, you can go way over the top at Christmas (How competitive is your Christmas?, 10 Dec), I know I used to. Next year I am going to stay at home with my family. I know it’s a time for sharing and hospitality, but do I really want to spend it travelling to places I don’t want to go, or having people over who don’t really want to come? No. I’m going to pull up the drawbridge and it will stay shut until after Boxing Day. And I’m going to make sure the money I spend and presents I get have a purpose. Thanks for the pep talk. Kendra…1 min
AND THE RESTLetter of the weekOPTING OUT, STAYING IN If you’re a competitive person, you can go way over the top at Christmas (How competitive is your Christmas?, 10 Dec), I know I used to. Next year I am going to stay at home with my family. I know it’s a time for sharing and hospitality, but do I really want to spend it travelling to places I don’t want to go, or having people over who don’t really want to come? No. I’m going to pull up the drawbridge and it will stay shut until after Boxing Day. And I’m going to make sure the money I spend and presents I get have a purpose. Thanks for the pep talk. Kendra…1 min

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Issue Issue 759 - Grazia (2025)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6102

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.