Fairbanks Daily News-Miner from Fairbanks, Alaska (2024)

17. Special Notices and SISTER adelur. GEMISI5 Help on SPIRITUAL all Reader life such as love. Sickness puer problems of is to re too unite great the that she separaled. No problem call or write this gifted can't Lady.

solve. 1419 come. East (212) Houston, 27-4540. San' Antonio, Texas 70202. 145 DODGE automallc, POLARA runs good.

5400 power NEED sale for EXTRA CASH? Have and a. spendable skitied money. Phone garage TakerwHi helo vou word your ad. Ad Classiied 23. Free Ad Column T.V.K.C- offers free referral registered dogs about pondience shows trainie.

phone Irlals 448-6866 And conlirmation 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. only. FREE Big. TO Flutly, LOVING Alaskan home In country.

Dog. Part Wonderful with kids, wonderful with people. Good waich dog. Call 454-3445 aller 6:20. FOUND: BIFOCALS IN black on Chana Ridge Road.

SHELTIE MALE INDOOR dog, needs home. Mature. obedlent. FREE: YEAR OLD Beagle. 5amantha.

Tie dog the ball games. 4.52-2170 FREE LITERATURE and advice on cal lion cart. for Per Pride the Humane organizacats. 457.3450 or 452-1426. 6 MONTH KITTEN, while short hair, very afectionate.

Found in North Pole, meds new home, FREE same place 1ROM the soil pipe fittings. as Tree wood was behind Swap Shop. 12 mile village. Richardson Hwy. FREE HJ5KY PUPS 16 900d homes.

Mother is good sled dog. 454: SUPER LOVING clean, shiny, jel black female shots. desperately seeking kind, permanent home. owner left town, 154 7190. 484-6727.

INHITE, I BUTTERSCOTCH male tans. cAlL 401 -9721. FOUND, Sleest Seal Point Siamese, 7 mile area, Been in area some lime, 452-7921 after 4:00 p.m. TWO 7 WEEK. OLD kittens and the mothercal.

litter Trained. Call Debbie. 419 alter 5p.m FREE MINIATURE POODLE: apricol 357 temale. no small children, 7 veers old. SHORT Persian, HAIRED spayed PART BLUE months old, 158 pod natured, likes people.

Call between 1 5 p.m., ask for Holly. FOUNO: male. BLACK WITH TAN puppy. Valley School, 450-455! alter 3:00 p.m. FREE the cutMing, 452809 TO A GOOD HOME, part pup, locks Lab.

Female also kitten. mile Badper, Hrst driveway on tell after 4 Mile marker. FOUND: 10 speed bike. to identify, tall 452-2154. TWO 6 MONTH OLD seeking morent homes, 454 6516 or 456-7190.

MEXICAN awDY. to good ho if in town, 454-113. 25. Chid Care- -Sitters BABYSIT 7 DAYS week and reasonable rates. Call for more for matin, 479-4764.

availade in day care home. Limited ENROLLMENT spaces. Breakfast, lunch, alternoon snack served. Monday through Friday.7:30 to 6:00. Call 179-6766.

DAY CALE CENTER: 14 hours service. Fenced play area. 1110 22nd Avenue. 454-833. CHILD CARE IN my home.

2 and up. in jown. 452 4051. day OPENINGS home. AVAILABLE In licensed car weekdays and ings, shacks and meals provided.

479 lor information. CHILD CARE IN my home. 488 6279. NORTH POLE CHRISTIAN DAY SCHOOL leaching the total child because we Care 7 a.m.•6 p.m.. 488 2421.

ALASKA STATE LAW requires that care al more than four (4) unrelated children be licensed. For application or information please call: Division al Social5ervices. 452-1844 or 1521, ONE OR TWO schoolers, weekdars. near DCIa In Goldstream Valley. 479-264.

BABYSITTING in my home, Aurora Drive 455-7136. BABYSITTING in my hame, next to Denali School. speak English, Spanish. Porisb, usSiah, aid Ukrainian, 7 day week, 456-4733 BABYSITTING IN MY home. Hunter School Area.

up to years, call 452: 660. 26. Babysitters Wanted INDEPENDENT TWO YEAR old girl needs tome during daytime. Prefer Lakeview or Mile Village. Will pay dollar an hour plus meals.

5:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Call 456-3027 days. 4376 LOOKING for mafure dependable babysitter for 10 weck old baby from a to 5, live days a week. start Oct.

13th. Cali 451 2465. NEEDED DESPERATELY as soon as possible. dependable babysitter tor little gills, ages 7 months and 77 the in our come. Please call 457:3173 after 5:30 p.m.

LIVE SITTER, 7 children. 4 parerts work sh*tts, 456-2074. 29. Melp Wanted THE QUESTION OF Whether or nol WP are going tohave a third class borough is rapidly approaching the moment of decision. Let those of us who want to see he third class borough a reality contacl our Headquariers at 12th and Noble Street in Falrbanks.

We need volunteer hetp to write, research, and lo gite out information. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Alaska licerced hairdrester with clientele. 458-034 or WANTED: Janitor with plumbing and electical repair experience. Can be coupe, person as motel maid, meals included. living quarters available.

Senc resume and references to Box Fairbanks. Ak. TOR OPENING Pastion: Librarian Hours: 371 per week Qualtications: degree in Library Science sestradie, library per ence, previous Alaskan experience, and administrative perience Duties: all Traditional phases of vice and operalions. Familiarily With broad range of public library materials ability la evaluate que needs of local vilfa*ge people. awareness appreciation of region native Eskimo culture.

Experience with adult education, pre school programming story time. puppetry. cooperative services with public schools. community college programs, and other communily agencies. Planning ability for new facilily potential 1pr developing regional library services.

Pay Scale: $9.27 an hour Applicalion deadline: September 24, 1977 Interviews the following Starting Date: October 1, 1977 for pore information write or call: Kegoayab Kozga Library Box 53 Note, Ak. 99787 4433133 HELP WANTED: fille: Police Officer. Availability: Oct. 15. 1P77.

Respon. sibilly: Police officer must entorce federal, stale and city laws in the City of Tanana when necessary. Salary: $17,000 to $20.004 per sAhum. Qualifications: graduate from Credited police academy. knowledce of native life and willing to participate lA mai Lite style.

Alaskan resident Preferred; minimum years perlesce as a police officer. Must ward resume to City of Tanana, Box 10), Tanana, Alaska PP777. An equal opportunity employer. RETIRED COUPLE 15 do live in Maintenance tor small apartmeni bulldha lawn, 454-3909. CITY OF VALDEZ, Parks and lien snounces a full Time position of Youth Director win canter.

1ing salary: $1.414 per mani. Duties will be to coordinate and supervise use of the building and to direct the in all programs and activities. Prefer someone with degree in tien, mucation or related field or equiva ent Resumes may we City of womitted Valdez. ta P.O. Parks Dox and 207, Recreation.

Valder, Alaska Deadline: October 14. 1977. Dally News- Fairbanks, Alaska, 60. Houses For Sale DON'T BUY A JUNKER When you and your loved ones can en ay this BRAND NEW Canord Rd. 3 bedroom home tor just pennies more than you'd pay for dud! Carpeted throughout.

custom k.ilchen and corner fireplace this fully wooded 1 acre lot. Excellent soil. garden already In. Plenty of room for the kids to play. Just right for the spirited family.

Inquire now to ste. Come smell the freshness. ELIOT CHAMBERLIN Evenings till 10 PM 479-3065 Vince Guzzandi, Broker GOLDEN NORTH REALTY 535 Third Avenue Phone 452.1247 Equal Now ping Quick Sall it with a Want Ad, Dial 452-1606 2105 Cushman 101? WOULD JA YOU LIKE a new home of your Modular Homes. 3400 Ml. View Drive.

Anchorage. 279 250 collect. CAMPER REPAIR SERVICES: MOBILE HOME and recresional vehlcle sales, service. rental -6 Richardion Hwy. 008 2782.

LEE'S MOBILE HOME Repair service. Coachman molor homes. 00 Lakeview 457-4521. IT'S SIMPLE to till wants with Miner Went Ads. CARPENTRY: CARPENTAY AND REMODELING.

Good workmanship and reasonable. Please leave message far 0OUT 492:1455. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER. Rough and finish work, drywaff. paneling, 1rim.

wiring. plumbing, painting etc Call (Brian) CARPETS DRAPES: FOR THE FINEST In draperies, Craf ion's Home Furnishings, Cralion's, Steese Hiphway. FLORCRAFT INC. WALLPAPER -CUSTOM DRAPES CARPET -ARMSTRONG VINYL IN 452-1420 CORNER OF PHILLIPS ROAD AND AURORA DRIVE SAVE Remnants. UP TO 50 Cash per cent on our carper and carry only.

Valley Decorators, Market Basket Ho. 2. Shopping Center. Airport Cowles. 4276.

ALASKA COUNTER TOPS. cusiom decorating center. Carpets. vinyls, cabinels 910 College Rd. 452-8580.

COLWELL'S CARPET TION. Carpel file and stalled Call 452 Ask for Dennis. FOR THE carpet cleaning in loan. Call Womens Touch 454-1833 ar 452-2030. CONCRETE: ARCTIC -MIX 7 DAY DELIVERY THE BEST PRICE IN ALLAREAS.

450:5700 OR 488-2380 CONSTRUCTION: DUO FAST Alaska. Pasteners. ha.rd power fastener 10015. 7515 HolE 452-8287. BLOCK fireplaces.

WORK. foolings, framing. House raising lar basem*nts. Call Myers Construction. 458-6084.

TARPS, A SLING 5. Industrial repair. Alaska Teri Tarp. 579 Fron1 SI. 452 2191.

HAVE SMALL BOBCAT for those im, possible places to backfiff or scape. This machine is one of a kind so don't gel your house damaged with big front and loader when yay should be using a bobcal. So close quariers and working in and around buildings give us a call, 452-7615. for HOWARD COOPER CORP. Equipment Inggers.

contrartors, materials handling. 2935 Peger Rd. 452-2181. TOPSOIL MIXED WITH peal good stuff Fill dirt cicen no sticks. Pit run gravel, Call now save.

All 12 yard Truck5. 453 2635. DRILLING: THE DRILLING COMPANY Permafrost Soil Sampl. Construction Piling Unit Material Site Shallow water wells' Wheeded and Tracked Carriers. 3550 GERAGHTY ST.

419 6441 ELECTRICAL: ELECTRICAL WORK. service ca'ls residential, commercial and maintenance. McLean City Electric Service. a79 1500. alter 5 ur 479-7578.

ELECTRICIAN FOR HIRE. Residential work only. Licensed and barced. 458-7067 an EXCAVATION: EXCAVATION 456-3853 BACKHOE SERVICE. REASONAALE rates.

15 years caperience. Fast. cHicient. reliable to save your moner. Call AI 3289 or 452-1465.

COMPLETE EXCAVATION. Site preparation. basem*nts, roads. land clearing. Fill.

drivewars. foundations seplics systems. Tre mast campelitive rate in Fairba-ks. 452-2535. A1 Cheeks Back A Doe Service Loader, doter You name it we dig it 479-4086 SEWER SYSTEMS.

DRIVEWAYS. landscaping. basem*nts. grave: fi'l and topsoil. All malerials furnished.

Ewik Way Construction, a56 917. CONDOR CONSTRUCTION. EX CAVATING. graver fill, hauling. Day 454 7557 or 456-3438.

OK LUMBER HAS Dump Truck. Backhoe. 450 with blade a-d D6 Cat. 456 6770 or 452-4676 FOUNDATIONS, SMALL basem*nts, utility lines. and septic systems dug.

Experienced. Great Northwest Land scaping. 456 1325. TOP SOIL. Fill dirt.

Pil run gravel Landclearing. Backhoe. Dozers. Dumptrucks and loaders. Basem*nts dug, roads built, driveways put in The most reasonaule rales In town 452-2435 FINANCING: WHERE YOU save DOES make a ail Terence.

Arctic First Federal Saving sand Loan. FURNITURE REPAIR: Call Shawver's Cusrom Woodworking. FURNITURE A REPAIR and refinishing. FUEL: KOBUK OIL DELIVERS 452-1918 "Alask so Tesoro Hearing Fuels FIREWDOD Duanes Firewood Cache. Birch, spruce.

or cut to lengths. Call ALL TEMPERATURE, Fuel oil 479 Delivery. 4040. PETERS EXPRESS. We hurt Monday, Oct.

10, 1977-19 29. Help! Wanted EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS ASSISTANT WITH ARTS ASSOCIATION Education position. Program Assisiani time, month tull Job Service, needs typing sills. contac1 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH Claims and Loss Coniral Technician. in the Minimum insurance requirements: experience sider able knowledge of claims conIndustry with pa cessing knowledge and of toss Insurance control operations; Theor establish les and concepts; ability principles, to records and and maintain necessary reports; familiarity prepare with appropriate The risk managment area: ability to work in with the public and other employees Will a be pleasant and courteous manner.

district cily with insurance policies school workIng borough. and month. programs. Closing per plicallons date. Oct.

1, 1977. Apaccepted Mi Borbugh ministration Office, 520 5th Ave. An Equal Opportunity Employer NOW HIRING lions Fairbanks in sales, 1irm is hiring for postand service. management customer relations $400 19 $500 In pecsor 440 College train. 10:30 Apply tp per possible, will 02:00 p.m.

only. daily. EXPERIENCED LEGAL secrelary. must know mag 11. 452-2005.

CROWNING GLORY NOW accepling applications for stylist prelerably with scale, Iol1owing. health percentage pay vacation pay offered. Exclusive stop, and plan, sick leave many other Iringes. For appointmeni call 452-1337 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

STATE OF ALASKA Position vacancy--Human Rights Field Representative banks, Con tact Alas for Human Fairbanks. Prone 452:1541 Tor further desails. Application deadline 45 11-15-77. is perilaity exempl agency and an UTILITIES MANAGER lion Requires background in construcmanagement. engineering, rate structures and general managemersi af etectrical, sewer, water, solid waste utilities.

Arclic experience Tom Dow. NANA Cor preferable. Salary DOE. Contact poration. 0086.

4-4, Anchorage. AK 99501, 276 Ex1, 45. CHEFS Full lime position, experience in menu planning. ordering. Inventory control, personnel, dining room and kitchen management esseniial.

Remote ton In modern room facility, salary DOE. Contacl Tom Dow. NANA Corporation, Box 4-U. chorage. AK.

Exl. 35. NORTH STAR COUNCIL ON Aging. is interviewing for a program assistant to work In Nenana and its Surrounding area. Person must relale la senters ana their needs.

coorolnate recrealional activilles and available community resources. Thirty hours per bursem*nt. week. salary Interviews and mileage reim. ment only.

Contact Dorothy Englund. by appointass director. at SALES CLERK IN MEN AND women's outdoor clothing slore. Experienced. above average opportunity for above average person.

491.943. NANA Regional Housing Aulhority an nounces a full lime positian af Exscutive Director for the 11 villages in the NANA Region. Salary DOE. Dulles General: The is responsible for The ad ministration at the Regional low rent housing program in accordance wilh the estabtished policies of the 1y and its policies, Federal and State law, and HUD regulations. He shall plan.

assign, review and coordinate all operalions and functions for the development and management of all projects tor the Authority. Special Duties include: 1. Preparing all recommendations 10 be acted upon by the Authority at regular and special board meetings. 2. Administrative over all Authority operation in accordance with maior objectives of the low rent hausing gram, Including: Involvement 01 residents in Sions that affect their residence in law rent housing.

bi Employment nt residents. c1 Provide additional expanded communily service programs. de Provide additional community facililies. e) Physical modernization Di lures and grounds. J.

Implement all policies of the Authority in building response 15 planning. design. construction and housing management. 4, Be responsible tor all contracts to be made between the Aulhorily and HUD, for carrying 001 all contractual apreements and for reviewing and signing necessary reports required by HUD. 5.

ALt as contracting office for the Authorily and sign all contracts and agreements. or recessary documents In contracts with developing or main: taining new and existing properties. To examine have knowledge al all orders, instructions, contracts, drawings and specifications, and other documents pertinent to consiruction work, 6. Maintain 9000 public relations among Regional Villages. social groups.

business executives, news media, and other groups for the best interest ine public housing program and the lamififes served thereby. 7. Employ all Authorily personnel, hold regular staif meeling. Co ordinals training orientalion. program p'ann Ing.

and development of Autharity per sonnet. Be responsible for the management and operation of all the Authority's projects. including selection of Families, implement policies Ing admission to and continued copany of urtit*, rents, preparation of operating budget. and maintenance of accounting records. 9.

5ign all checks and vouchers. Closing Date for this Position is October 31. 1977. Senn your Resume' ra: NANA Regional Kousing Autnority P.O. Box 331 Kotzebue, Alaska PP732 Inquiries may be made by calling 443:3450 TAX SPECIALIST TAX SPECIALIST Anchorage focal CPA Farm needs lax specialisi with one year or more Darience.

Call 772-1571 far interview. SALES REP SALES REP Experienced. self molivated. protessional sales person, 10 train tor unlimited carings with big lickel business. Must be able 10 municare well with the puhlic and wark long hours.

No travel. Call W.D. Wallace 452-3816. WANTED: Power Plant. Electronics Technician I1, Grade 18 required for a modern coal and oil lired Power Plant.

University al Alaska. Applicant must be experienced in pneumalic and elec tronic combustion controls. A Tull knowledge of all power plant electrical equipment is required. The successful applicant maintenance will be responsible for The and repair of all control systems in the Power Plant. Educa lion required: Completion of an Ap: proved two year classroom and laboratory program of training inelet tronic technology.

Education red: Additional lorma! or informal training above minimum requirements. Experience: Five years' whien -time must have experience, been in one year of plant similar site. presture, and temperature, hydraulle, or electronic and electrical control meters instruments. Starting salary 10 $27,552.00 annually upon experience. Suomil application To, Personnel University of Alaska.

Fairbanks, a 99201. The University of an equal -all camployer. NEEDED: MATURE TRAINEE for figure salon in the Crowning Glory. Percentage pay scale. sick leave.

paid vacation, health Insurance, mane omer fringe benelifs. Exclusive salon. For details and appointment call 452-7337. 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday through Friday. 29.

Kelp Wanted LEGAL SECRETARY WANTED: legal and mag li experience preferred. Call ..452 0267. BARN HELP: LIVE In, room and board plus. 454-7907. REAL ESTATE Stale Register now for January.

1171 License Examination. Current malerials fastruction Make Ine ditterence, Classes start November week Great Christmas Land Real break. Estate write: Director School. P.0. Box 1544, Fairbanks.

AK 99707 or call 2309. RESTAURANT SUPERVISOR. with Experiened at only. Apply in person resume Auggie's Restaurant between 2 and WANTED: BAR PERSONS. barlenders.

bouncers. co*cktall waitresses. elc. Call Mary between 10. a.m.

and 8 p.m. al 451-5105. REGISTERED NURSE. must have OB G. Nursing.

Tanana experience. Apply Director of Valley Clinic. 1001 Noble 51. PERSONNEL OFFICER Opportunity avaitable in personnel administration with Alaska National Bank of the North. Responsibility in And These areas aquisitions, wage salary administration, employee development benelils, empioyer and personnel policy management.

Supervision or employee selection. and payroll staff included, prior per lion in personnel is a requirement. Call 457 6301 for further information. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. NANA CORPORATION iS now ting applications for lull time position as night auditor at the Nuk-Luk-Vit Hotel In Kolzebue.

Applicants must have had previous experience In Hotel Front Salary Right audit operations. DOE. Contact Tom Dow. P.O. BOx.

4 Anchorage. Ak. 99509. Phone 6030 Ext. 35.

SALES ASSISTANT NORTH STAR HEALTH PLAN Ambitious self starter 10 work with outside salesman. will have ID answer phones, make appoiniments and deal with public. Typing of 50-70 worn is necessary on IBM memory diclaphone experience. Excettent company benelifs. RECREATION LEADERS: HEED dynamic people to work with school age children.

Previous experience in alive and passive recreation grams required. Call for view appointments. Equal opportunity employer. NURSE benefits, FOR OB-GYN. excellent fringe appointmentsoniy.

Cali banks ClinIc. 452-0761 ext. 272. An Equal Opportunity Employer. PETE'5 PLACE ACCEPTING lions for waitresses and co*cks.

I Mire in Old Richardson. Moose Creek. Apply person. ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR far Head Start oilice In chorage. High schpol or GED.

Musi type. ministering 30 wpm. Man Responsible Tor the power program throughout Alaska. Completes Inly reports. reviews sheels, answers correspondence, does general atice work.

Duly station: Anchorage. Salary 5833 per month. Apply 16 Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. P.C. 99501.

Box 3 3900 ECB. Anchorage AK Applicants for These postlions must meel CETA eligibilily quirements. Contact your local Stale Employment Office for application forms and information on eligibility requirements or write to Rural CAP. MAINTENANCE, SPECIALIST TRAINER needed for head Start gram. Extensive Travel regpired.

Must have carpentry and general maintenance skills. Kigh Schogl vises diploma required, Trains and superrural Maintenance Specialists In Head Start programs. Organizes and carries out regional workshops to train staff In general carpentry skills such As building of classroom equipment, materials etc. Duly station: Anchorage. $16.700 tar 9-manth contract, plicants for this position must meet CETA elibility requirements.

Far 81 application form and information on CETA eligibility contact your State Employment Ollice or write to Rural CAP. APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED from experienced waitresses. Apply between 9 a.m.-11 ar 4 p.m, Auggie's Restaurant, 1929 Air port Way. DISTRIBUTORS. MANAGERS wanted.

Fast, safe. easy way of losing weight. Great oppor lunity, Call 455-0961. PROGRESSIVE. GROWING CHORAGE.

CPA Irm seeks CPA didale, la 3 years experience. Good benefits. Call or send resume 10 Charles Bingham. 640 W. chor ape 99503, 275 2644.

RECEPTIONIST required by Rural Alaska Community Action Program. Requires one year of clerical ex perience, or one year of appropriate higher education Types al 50 wpm, Operates automatic PAX switcrboard. Greets applicants entering aflice and assists them by providing general information. Operates -automalic postage meter. Types correspondence and repos is from writ.

ten drafts. Other duties as assigned. Apply on or beinre October 11. 1977 al 5:00. Stationed in Anchorage.

Salary is $12.105.40 per year, Send application Dr complete resume' lo Personner, Rural CAP. Box Ancrerage. Alaska 9950J. EQUAL TY EMPLOYER UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY For ambitious sincere person for manager trainee In the cosmetic fickd. Can qualily for car, Will train.

For appointment inlerview call 456-4366. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Ask lor Mrs. Stahle.

1VCC 15 NOW HIRING parl 1ime Instructors tor their community service nan credil program in Fairbanks and North Pale. Applicants should have expertise in the area lor which iney are applying. Instructors are needed lor adult classes in ire following areas: creative arts. needle cralls. dance, music.

culinary arts, sports. recreation, aquatics, business. preschool and special interests. For more information contact the 1vcc office, 104 Constitution Hall or 479-7850 or 479-1880. Equal opportunily PRODUCTION help wanted.

Ovality Cleaners and Laundry. 114 Wendell Street, apply in person. Equal Op portunity Employer. SPEECH THERAPIST The Fairbanks North Slar Borcugh Senool district has an opening for a speech therapist. Requirements: degree in speech therapy.

cerience preferred. Please contact Ire Personnel ONlice, 1010 Cushman 515. Phone 455-4242. An equal opportunity employer. PRINTER Should nave warking knowledge of the Vertical following equipment: Robertson Camera: A Plater.

A Headliner: Multilath 1250 arid 7650; Erectostalic Copier: Chief 15 Heidleberg 10x15 Plater; Solna; various bindery processes. Minimum 2 years experinace. 5rar ting Salary $1,590 monthly. Contact Fairbanks Worth Star Borough School Districl, Personnel Ollice. 10th and Cushman.

An Equal Oppor lunily Employer. PERSON 10 make furniture slipcovers. 479-6711. POSITION: accounts clerk. Dulies: responsible for bookkeeping related functions under the direction pi 1he filing.

bookkeeper. Cuties include. lying, lion. posting and payrall prepare Qualiticalions: ability to type 50 wprn. operate a calcularor and mainlain Contact files.

Salary: D.O,E. or education. June Anderson, Dena Aka Corporation. 579 5th Ave. Suite 6.

banks. Ax. 99701. REGISTERED NURSE wanked in tat office, will train The right individual. 32.

Work Wanted CARPENTER Painting, WANTS WORK. anything. cleanup. drywall, laborer, Iraming, finish, etc. Reasonable.

479.7162. PLUMBING HELP WITH mobile home repair. furnace repair, general maintenance. 452-4912. FINISH work.

CARPENTER, HANDYMAN licensed. reasonable. Call alter 5p.m., 451 7105. sible. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: respon mature ministrator, heavy min ing and transport.

estate development and Long time Alaska background, 421-7955. 32. Work Wanted QUICK 452-7731. SILVER TYPING ser vice, WILL MANAGE SMALL motel, bar or rottire shop and in exchange for living quarters equitable salary or percentage, 35. Business Opportunities MAJOR INTERSECTION jusi outside of city limits.

square feel office or retail, up to 7 acres adjoining land also available. Call 452-1166 unit 7450, if no ansect, leave name and number. TWO choice APPAREL stores your LADIES DA location, new mati br downigwn. Call day or 61409 nights. MAJOR INTERSECTION pulside ol city limits, 1.000 square oflice or retail.

Up available. lo 2 Call acres adjoining land also unit 7412. IF ho answer, leave and number. FAIRBANKS DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Initial investment of $3,000 required. some accounts established.

Small Ireezer needed for storage. This is an Inquires Alaskan based company, Serious only. Canadian Big Dog 2010 E. 7nd St. Anchorage.

90507. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SALES and Service. notch business net. ting $295,000. $150.500 annually.

Owner tired. buyer. Write Easy let ms for qualified Irene Taylor. Doran Taylor, Realtors. 550 NE 'E' ST.

Grants Pass, Or. 97526. 40. Money to Loan WHERE DO YOU GO WHEN THE BANK SAYS NO? Venture Capital, findncial Local UNLIMITED CING. bank rate.

LONG OR SHORT TEAM. 100 parcent ing ANY WORTHWHILE 272-7381 Evergreen Corporation. Scolt International Anchorage. 43. Mortgages Contracts CASH For For Trust details Deeds and mortgages.

John Turner-456-6951 48. Music Lessons avallebie. mcgrath PIANO A LESSONS 51. Flying instruction FOR Ike THE Flying HARD CORE FLYERS. ArcClub membership.

Asking $300, wIll hapqle. 419 1535 55. Special Schools -Classes SILVA MIND CONTROL ol Alaska, Fairbanks' classes, "Conscious ConIrpl of the Subconscious" Also. 3 hour "Relaxation Seminar." Tuition 535, 479-2791 for regisiration. 60.

Houses For Sale ATTENTION SINGLES! 457-1531 Eve. 457-545J EXPERIENCE COUNTS METERES HALTER REAL ESTATE, INC. IT GAFFNTY Phane 456-6000 452-1631 See this cute but unfinished A-Frame with 167 1oot frontage en the Chena River off Persinger Orivel imately Orte nicely wooded acre. pood access, riveriron1 suitable to dock your itoat plane or boa1l CALL SE AUDREY, YOUR "HOUSE SOLD" WORD EXCEPTIONALLY BUILT.HOME ATTRACTIVE INTERIORS PLUS SEPARATE BUSINESS ANILDING OF 1,736 50. FT.

7 Seperate Garages. 19,800 Sq. 11. Landscaping; Black Top Parking and Oriveway 5360.000 Attractive Terms. Far More Information "CALL IRENE" 452-1631 -Evenings 451-6766 belore 9 P.M.

EXPERIENCE METERESI ESTATE, 621 GAFFNEY Phone 455-6000 or 452-1631 "Equal Housing Opportunity" 60. Houses For Sale LOG HOME 4 bedrooms. fireplace located on 2. 13 acres of ground lust off 4 mile Highway. fantastic buy lor meone willing some 1ix up work.

To see for yourself call: GARY FOWLER 452-1631 EXPERIENCE )COUNIS, DO GAFFNEY ESTATE, Phone 456-6000 or 452-1631 "Fquat Housing Opportunity" TAKE YOUR PICK $58,500 2 extra larpe bedrooms, lirepface, 2 car garage, and fantastic kitchen. Includes small renal unit out back for some additional income OR $53.000 For bedroom 7 baths with closet, formal dining room, car garape and 1.6 acres of ground. Both homes have oil heal, 10 Inches af Insurallon and are localed in Garden Subdivision are mile Radger Road. To See call: GARY FOWLER 452-1495 EXPERIENCE COUNTS METERES REAL ESTATE, INC. 17 GAFFNEY Phone 4.56-6000 or 452-1631 Housing NEW balh, IN AURORA: 3 bedroom.

hot one water garage, full besetsent, Soutbern baseboard heat. 1714 p.m.* Avenue, $68.000, 456 alter 6 WANT YOUR HOME SOLD? NOT JUST LISTED. For mare information about free estimates of valve. New linencing Ideas, Professional services. and how nice It is to sit back and refax lar law weeks while one of Ire sales people at Meyeres Real Estate sell your home, Celt JOHN MAIN Office: 452-1631 Res.

EXPERIENCE COUNTS MEYERES REAL ESTATE, INC. 7 CATFNEY Phone 456-6000 or 452-1631 Housing JOHNSON REAL ESTATE MOUNTAIN HOME A Irama wiTh 600 sq. If, on 2 acres. Nicely finished inter ior, bedrooms wood propene heal, Electric stove a range. Largo trees in area, ty close, 25 min.

from town ta Chena Ridge at a leisurely pace. 11 will be hard to believe. No well but for $24.000. This is a buy. phone Hal Draper.

Johnson Estate 452-4293. evenings 457-7612. Your property wilt sell too. Call us cow for a no cost estimate. Phone 452.

4293, evenings 479 2339. Jchnson Real Estate, 111h Lacey. 29. Help Wanted POSITION OPEN for EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR For Alaska 8 Anchorage CHAR Some travel required, organizational and public relations experience required, Send Resume to: CHAR 3006 Dawson, Anchorage 98600 29. Help Wanted 29.

Help Wanted We are loaded with work on all makes of automobiles If you are a topflight automotive technician, lube person or parts person who is satisfied with only quality work, and you are concerned with the convenience and safety of our customers, apply for a career with Seekins Ford Lincoln Mercury. See Asa Davis, Director of Customer Service. 530 Steese Hwy, Phone 452-1991 An Equal Opportunity Employer 29. Help Wanted 29. Help Wanted APPLICATIONS BEING TAKEN FOR THE POSITION OF Dredge Master FOR OUR GOLD DREDGING OPERATIONS IN THE NOME AREA DURING THE 1978 SEASON Please submit a full resume of the quality you for this position experience you have had that may 99767.

to Alaska Guld Co, Box 640, Nome, Alaska AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 60. Houses For Sale Fireplace, kitchen complele with an appliances. dining room, den, huge lamily room, Laundry from win washer and extra freezer, double car garage. 1130.000. Qualitied buyers only.

please. Call 452 6075. BEDROOM LOG HOUSE, baseboard heal, garage, major appliances, easy terms, 457-1442 between 9:3:30 2 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH one bedroom basem*n! in Hamilton Acres, 452-29 14. COZY LOG CABIN with loll. near University completely furnished.

Owner wilt linance. $25.000, days. LARGE FAMILY HOME 3,472 so. It. luxury home on 1 42 lats in Hamilton Acres.

Four bedrooms. full bains. living room with 2 BEOROOM HOME CLOSE IN Located just off Sreese Highway in a Business 1.501 -Zoned Unrestricted Use. Home LDI approx. 1.

14 Fenced Heated, Altached single- car Insulated. Gargage with electric door. Oil Hol Water Baseboard Healing. dividual Well and Sewer System. $41.000.

"CALL IRENE" 452 1631 Evenings 452 4184 belore 9 P.M. EXPERIENCE COUNTS RES REAL ESTATE, INC. CA FF NET Phone 456-6000 or 452-1631 "Equal Housing WHO AIRPLANE SALES SERVICE: AIR NORTH 456-5555 CHARTER FLIGHTS ANYWHERE PARTS SUPPLIES lar most Fairbanks Aircraft Supples. Ave. 454-8280.

SCHEDULED AND CHARTER SERVICE Alaska Central Air AIRPLANE SERVICE: LEARN TO FLY Begin your lessons now. Flight and ground instruction. Hash Aviation, 452-7237. APARTMENTS: MIDTOWN APARTMENTS Large efficiency. 1.

2. 3 bedroom units. Reasonable rates. Convenient locations. All furnished plus extras.

950 Gilmore a 52:5977. New Wedgewood Manor Apartments bedroom, furnished and unturnished 452-2442 300 Wedgewdod Drive FURNISHED UNFURNISHED Apariments Reasonable. Fairview Manor ApP. 3A2 Airport Road 052-2562. APPLIANCES SALES SERVICE: WE REPAIR ALL MAKES! We carry large inventory of parts.

130.000. Golden North Appliance Center. 452-2011. or 452-4791 PENNEY SERVICES whal it sells. we also repair Panasonic and RCA XL 100.

1 TV's. Just bring it In to our VICE CENTER. Phone 452-5101. Exl. 144 or 770.

AUCTION: bid! Nortn AUCTIONI Lel's hear your GENERAL Pole Auction, North Pole. 486 6600. GREAT LAND AUCTION. Comple'e auction consignment service SR Box 10838 479-2574 AUTO DEALERS: NEW USED veR soles, parts, vice. Seekins, Ford, Lincoln.

Mercury. Steese College. 417-1991. BUY SELL New 4. Used cars.

Faitharks Aulo Sales, 1445 Custman. 452-1270. NEW CARS WHOLESALE I Any American Make Cars or Truck OKAY CARS 457-7055 QUALITY MOTORS BUY -SALE -CONSIGN 2105 CUSHMAN TOYOTA VOLVO Goodrich tires hr AulD Co. Sales Service, 3205 Cushman, 456-6217. ALL CAR LEASING SALES Sales Con 5 Purchasing 600 Sreese.

452 40 49. AUTO SERVICE: FAIRBANKS DATSUN SALES AND SERVICE 3101 Cushman AUTO WORLD Auto and Truck paris and dccessories. Gavora Mall, 452-2686. GENE'S Plymouth. AUTO Service, Inz.

Chrysler. Dodge. 1804 Coshman. Sales 452-7116. Service 452-5407.

COMPLETELY equipped body shop, Eluding a lactory Iype paint booth. body and fender mechanics. Lei us give you our tree eStimale. TIP TOP CHEVROLET. WE'LL BE HERE 10marrow to hack up what we say today, Aurora Molers, First and Lacey.

Phone 456-1300. GRIFFITH A AUTO REPAIR WELDING Life long Fairbanksan personatized ser. vice. 615 Universily Ave. 479-1911 NOW OPEN North Star Avio Body.

301M iobs fram an. Special complele paint Complete collision claims. Hobert -owner. repairs. Specializing In insurance 456-1196.

tires, wheels, light truck tires, wheel YOKOHAMA TRUCK TIRES, off road balancing. AMERICAN TIRE. 452-5145. MICHELIN TIRES. Complete lire.

passenger. truck; Retreading Mohel AK. 2. Mi. Sanduri Rd BUILDING MATERIALS: PAY LESS for lumbar and plywood.

Sup porl your local industry. Norinland Wood, 2 Mile College Road. 457-4000. HOMELITE Produces, complete sales and service. Craig Taylor Equipment Company.

1733 Well Streel. 457 1191. ACE PLYWOOD Steese Highway and Trainer Gale. 457 2247 TOTAL AVILCING SUPPLIES TOOL RENTALS Independent Lumber 455 1326 ALASKA BUILDERS Supply. Retail -wholesale Corner of the Everything in building materials Alaska Industrial Railroad area.

(Ar She Junction Peger Rd. Pritrios A d. and Aurora Drive -al the tracks 452-7572. LUMBER. PLYWOOD.

insularien. sheetrock, paint, widows. nails. Plywood Supply. 1504 College.


459-4743 lumber. DONNYBROOK LUMBER -Plywood. 3 windows, insulation. rocf.ng. 419 Mile Airport 479 6965.

2707. ROOFING PRODUCTS Union Oil, Illinos and Minnie. 452 4477. JONSEREDS CHAINSAWS Sales Service a Star Lumber, 3.2 mile Nenana Highway. 479-6641.

O.K. Lumber Inc. THE BIG GREENBUILDING 4'n Mite Sleeve Hwy. 60. Houses For Sale NEW AND Dider homes needed for buyers.

Call now for no cost value estimate. 4243 Dr evenings 479 Johnson Real Stale. SECLUSION: 1 ACRES. 4 bedrooms, 2 beins. 7 Frankiin $80.000.

stoves. separale guest cabin, Gar Slaler 452-4164. over 7,500 ROAD sq. AREA. 7.

story 100 home, lank, preenhouse. Buy up To 3 ares car garage. gas your cluding barn, corral and rental unit, choice. $90.000 for all. Call HOUSE BY OWNER: 15 Mile Chena Mel Springs Road, $32.500.

Down payment balance. payments I la per cent of negotiabie, L.eave number 457-1166. ask for unit 6036. il no answer. SECLUDED 12 acres.

2 bedroom house and natural spring, oil heat, fireplace, complete plumbing year around. registered survey done. 13 mlles from ol Appraised oll road with outrageous view! al $68.000 ask iny $55.000. Come see Bi 10 mile Old Nenana anylime or leave message at 455-8154 or 422-3001 evenings. BUYERS be aware al In problems with free soil information, call Fairbanks SC SO 479.

6767. IN THE COUNTRY Almosi new bedroom with fireplace on 112 acres with quest house and yard. Immaculate. must see to appreciate. Only 559,500.

452-518 :31 Steese Highway REALTY GLASS -WINDOWS: TRIPLE GLALED wIndows by Warmer economical, exclusively 11 College GlasS. 718-15th, FOR SALE ADS in Classilled bring in ready cash, GRAVEL HAVE GRAVEL. WILL TRAVEL. 452-2635. Most reasonable rates In town.

HARDWARE: LARGEST SELECTION of tools in Alaska. Alaska industrial Hardware. Inc. 3274 Cush man. JACKOVICH TRACTOR: Hose and lil-all kinds; Anil freete: Lubriplate: Wire Rope 1800 Well St.

456 4414. HOME FURNISHINGS: the DISTINCTIVE Kalion's KOME furnishings, by leading manuiaclurers. Nerlano's. 545 1rd Avenue. FOR FAMOUS Nationally Known brand shop named at furniture, Crafton's bedding and carpel, Home Furnishings, 150 Steese Hithway.

UNIQUE FURNITURE and Decor Ideas. Waler beds and accessories. House of Kustem. Lamonis Mall. The linest Interior decorating BURN- BATS 515 71h Avenue HOUSEHOLD SERVICES: THE CHORE GIRL Cleans everything in the Pome, call 456 1514.

IRONING MENDING. Call Vickie, 455-2518. INSULATION FIREPROOFING: URETHANE "SpraY On' loam insula tion, sewers. water lines, roots. Fair banks Foam 452-2901.

JANITORIAL SERVICES: HAVE A BIG cleaning Job? or just don't have time for the small ones? Clean Rite Services will do Them for you. For free estimates call. 450-2440. ATTENTION: BANKERS AND BUSINESSMEN: far A camplete reliable and very reasonable service. phone Brown's Janitorial Ser vice.

24 hours. Bids are free 24 hours. We do the triest loh at the towest cost to you. We stand behind our motto. THE BEST IN THE NORTHWEST." 157 7965.

LYNCH'S JANITORIAL SERVICE ExperienceCommercial. Industrial. Residential Curtis W. Lynch. 1907) 452-6846 MASONRY: BLOCK WORK OR tireplace, comet.

stone and paintiny. Call 452-1387. lor A.J. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: TAXIDERMIST. Recieving station lor Klinaburger Bromers of Seallle.

5am 1434 Beaver Way. 470-2173. FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 60ROUGH 522 51h Ave. 452-4761 SEARS SERVICE. PARTS WINDOW SHADES CuP 10 ybur measure.

Craftons Furniture. 120 Highway. THE VILLAGE MOBILE lame Para. A Better Place TO Live. mi.

McGrath A 454-5381. MOBILE HOME SALES: Fairbanks Mobile Home Sales P.0. 7611, Mile Richardson Hwy. Inferior Alaska's QUALITY I Dealer RUSH ESTATES Mobile Home Park -near University -communily water and sewer 429-3783." TANANA MOBILE HOMES PORT ROYAL Mr'e College Road, 479-2115 COLUMBIA MOBILE HOME SALES SALES -SPACES- -SERVICE Mile Old Richardson 451-1284 GUARANTEED lower housing prices. easier financing.

Mabile Home Brokers. 206 Norihward Building. 456 4701. SEE MARLETTE. DARRINGION, Moon sad Fleciwood now al Cally Mobile Homes.

42 Mi. Old Richardson. 456 6800. G.N. SALES, used mobile homes.

buy, sell. consign. 1016 Lakeview Terrace. Phone 452 1752. CON BROWH MOBILE Home Service.

Everytring from inc ground up Alva. p'urnuing. furr ace, wiring. You name it. the Fraser Docror will co CAll 456 6808.

MOTORCYCLES: MOTORS SALES- SERVICE -PARTS Cush.man. 456 MARLEY DAVIDSON Molorcyclas Sales and Service. Harley Davidson ol Fairbanks. 18th Peger Rd. 1164.

FAIRBANKS SUZUKI. Sales- Paris Ser vice. Spiril Oulboard Motors. 3550 Air. por3 Rd 479.3275 MOTORCYCLES Fun Cir.

Jet Skis Clothing. Cylinder Bering 1817 College. 457 3455 MOVING STORAGE: You D-V-I-N NEW from hame your Call old house 19 479 Wareho.se, 152 1286. PAINTING: PAINT POT: HOUSE Paints. Pichre Frames.

Art Supplies. 104 No. Turner, 454-5664. PRINTING: Far line COMMERCIAL PRINTING 200 N. Cuthman 458 5668 PLUMBING: Waste systems.

Disposal and Water conditioning Field. 491-421. Hydro Tech Inc. 444l Phillips 60. Houses For Sale 3 BEDROOM HOUSE al in Mile Badger Road, includes furniture.

A a are tal call 488-2277. UNIVERSITY WEST $45,000 DRIVE BY CAM STANFORD ORIVE Fence Franklin Is up, tawn is in and the fireplace ready winter. 3 bedroom, balh. car garage with daylight basem*nt 10 finish as you like it. Shown by poinimeni only.

479-3264 after 5. WILL NOT LAST long at $55.000, almost new 3 bedroom. bath and to, lprge living room with fireplace, kitchen plete with all appliances. washer and dryer. extra freeter 1 car garage.

1.200 square leet on acre lot. mile Holmes Rd, 457 or 400 6724. SAVE MONEY, new house with finished basem*nt, Kris Kringle Subdivision. f4 mile Richardson. 444-9559.

HEW SPLIT levEl, possible duplex, bedroom. 7 baths, garage. cedar shake roof. patio. walls.

well constructed, colors coordinated with lol. 469,500. Phone aller 6 p.m., Peedt Rd. FIXER UPPER LOG HOUSE Over 1000 sq. ft.

of living area, two bedroom, two storage sheds over acres. close 10 town. Selling for appraisal $50.000. For more informational nights 452-5186 days REALTY IT? 41008 REAL ESTATE: EXPERIENCE COUNTS, METERES TRAITOR REAL ESTATE, INC. NOT gAFPNEY Phone 456-6000 or 452-1631 "Equal Housing Opportunity" 685 BARNES CO.

AFALTORS 8 1 Ave. PA. 452-5273 DE Vince Guzzardi, Broker GOLDEN NORTH REALTY 535 Third Avenue Phone 452.1247 I que MoL. ting Opportunity Inc. Realtors 9th and Cushman 452-1611 REALTY, INC.

913 Noble 51. ESTATE 434.4007 Earl E. Cook Real Estate Your Complete Center FAIRBANKS Phone 810 Barrette Sure Th 015 ray 8th Ave. hill 455-5443 realty ALASKA REALTY MORTGAGE DONALD G. JOHNSON, BROKER 1913 Lay op 31, Suite 201 Ph.

456-5751 456-8329 EAVER 527 41h CO. Ave. Commercial Realtors PROFESSIONAL Estate vices: Professional Really, 454 Cowles, Syite 263. 456-7709. dustrial, JOHNSON residential.

REALTY- properties. Commercial. in: Johnson, Renker. 14th Lacey. 452-4293.

INTRALASKA 452-1978 NORTH STAR REALTY 3650 6 Airport Way 479-6148 eto Hectic 652 Cache 6719 Ratty 5a Street 1433 Noble SI. 456-3236 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE in connection with Funks Racquel Club. 19th Lathrop. 452-7140 Ostrow Realty 452-5186 431 Staese HAy. GEN SALES, used mobile homes.

BuY. sell. consign. 1078 Lakeview Terrace. 452 3762 RECREATION: TRUCKS.

CARS, MOTOR MOMFS. CANOPIES. Save Winnebago Sales. formerly Miller Machinery 457-4234. REMODELING: REMODELING, CARPEI TION.

suspended ceiling installation. Reasonable sales. 456 4505 RUBBER STAMPS: SAME DAY SERVICE IN BY OUT BY COMMERCIAL PRINTING SNDW REMOVAL: JOHN DEERE SNOW OCOWERS, Walk behind, Iraclor types. Persinger's. Mile Richardson 455.6821.


Bicycling. Running, Backpacking Cross Stiing 479 2494. AURORA HOUSE OF RODS. rod building repair We stock parts far da- it yoursellers. Free instruction 72115.

Barnette. a54 sits WATER: "HEY CULLIGAN MAN" FREE WATER ANALYSIS WELDING: HAVE TRUCK- -WILL TRAVEL. Anylime day to anywhere in Alaska. Reasonable rates. Will tri.de welding for merchandise.

Phone 454-1066. Ken Wells.

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner from Fairbanks, Alaska (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.